
        G ooglehas updatedits term s of servicesothat it canfeatureusers"nam es andphotos incertainparts of its advertising.



  T he changes,w hichG oogle announcedinarevisedterm sof servicepolicyonFriday,setthestageforG oogleto introduce“sharedendorsem ents”adson itssitesasw ell asm illionsof otherw ebsitesthatarepartofG oogle"s displayadvertisingnetw ork.


  A fter the policytakes effect N ov. 11,usersw horeview a videoonY ouT ube or a couldseetheir nam e,photoandcom m entsshow up in adson any of the2m illionW ebsites that are part of the com pany"s displayadvertisingnetw ork.

  在11月11日开始实施新的政策后,使用者在看Y ouT ube或者 shang的饭店信息时可以看到他们的姓名、照片或者评价出现在谷歌进行广告展示的200万个网络地址中的任何一个广告上。(《华盛顿邮报》)

  T henew types of ads w ouldusepersonalinform ation of them em bersof G oogle+,thesocial netw ork launched by thecom pany in2011.If aG oogle+ user has publiclyendorseda particular brandor product byclickingonthe+1button,that person"s im age m ight appear inanad. R eview sandratingsof restaurantsorm usicthatG oogle+ usersshareon otherG oogleservices,such asin theG ooglePlayonlinestore,w ouldalsobecom efair gam eforadvertisers.

  新型广告将使用2011年公司新成立的社交网络G oogle+成员的个人信息。如果G oogle+用户已经通过点击+1按钮公开推荐了一种品牌或者产品,个人的形象就可能出现在广告中。G oogle+用户分享在谷歌的其它服务,如谷歌在线表演商店上的对饭店或者音乐的评论和评分等也可能成为广告上的目标。(路透社)

  G oogle在新版服务条款中新增了一段内容:“如果您已拥有G oogle帐户,我们可能会在我们的服务(包括广告以及其它商业环境)中,显示您的个人资料姓名、个人资料照片以及您在G oogle上或与G oogle帐户相关联的第三方应用上执行的操作(例如,+1以及您发表的评价和评论)。我们尊重您在G oogle帐户中选择的限定分享或公开程度的设置。例如,您可以通过设置,让自己的姓名和照片不在广告中显示。”

  “It"sa huge privacy problem,”saidR otenberg,thedirector of onlineprivacygroupEPIC .. H e saidtheU .S . Federal T rade Com -m issionshouldreview the policychange tode-term ine w hether it violates a 2011consent orderG oogle entered into w hich prohibitsthecom panyfrom retroactivelychangingusers"priv-acysettings.

  E PIC集团的负责人罗滕贝格表示,“这是一个极大的隐私问题。”他表示,美国联邦贸易委员会将检讨该政策变化来确定是否这项政策违背了2011年谷歌同意签署的条款,该条款禁止该公司回溯性地改变用户的隐私设定。(路透社)

  G oogle saidina statem ent:“T he privacyand security of ourusersisoneof ourtoppriorities. WebelieveourT erm sof Serviceupdates are apositive stepforw ardinclarifyingim portant privacyandsecuritydetails for ourusers,and arein full com pliancew ith thelaw .”



  T hecontroversial practiceannouncedbyG oogle,ispart of an em ergingtrendon theInternet. A dvertisersbelievethat consum ersplaceenorm ous valueonproduct endorsem entsthat com e from afriendor fam ilym em ber,andgrow ingnum bers of W ebcom panies aretryingtocapture that social advertisingina system aticw ay.


  M any of Silicon V alley"sm ost popularsites saythat suchsocial-context ads arem oreuseful—andm aybeevenless annoying—thantraditional types of online advertising.



